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Beta Testing for the Web App

Thank You For Joining The Beta Testing of the Web App!

Hope this post finds everyone in a good health and safe!

The Web App pertains to the product you see in the picture above, a wall decor piece. I have been working on the Web App myself and finding errors and improving it by myself. Some beta testers are helpful as it means more eyes on the Web App and errors are found faster. So I really appreciate you taking the time to help with this.

As far as creations are concerned, create something you would place in that wall display above and in your home. You can find inspiration from already uploaded images here:

Instructions on how to use the Web App.

You find the Web App in this page of the website:


The Web App is optimized for desktop use. In mobile you have to allow pop-ups in browser settings (safari, chrome, opera or firefox) to be able to save the creations. This video explains how to create a Pop Art image from your photos:

If you like what you created, save it in your computer.

Upload the image in the website for others to see.

You will need to register an account and log in to be able to upload images. This is to avoid any spamming of the website. Note that everyone can see your uploads, registered or not registered website visitors, once images are uploaded they are public. In your account you can always delete images that you have uploaded previously. This video explains how to create an account and upload an image:

Don’t forget to vote creations you like by hitting that Like button until it is red.

Not sure yet what exactly, but there will be a small prize for the most voted post.

The feedback

Please provide feedback if you notice anything not working properly in the Web App and website or provide suggestions in the comments below or at the contact page and I will try to address them. Thank you! 🙂

Privacy Note: The Web App page does not send any information to our website servers. All image editing is happening in your computer. This means that, if you refresh the page without saving the image in your computer, you will lose your work. If you want to upload the created image in our website, save it in your computer and then create an account and log in (see video above).

Please be 13+ or accompanied by an adult when using the app or uploading content.

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